TEDxPittsburgh 2016 – Activate

Published on February 25, 2016 by

David Petrovic

Candi Castleberry Singleton

Tracey McCants Lewis

Lindsey Smith

Jasmine Tate

Casey Droege

Steve Hackman

Gisele Fetterman

Mike Capsambelis

Diwas Timsina

Steve Shelton

Raj Rajkumar

Paul Abernathy

TEDx Pittsburgh

Take part in Pittsburgh’s premiere platform for showcasing the ideas, individuals and innovations that are redefining the Steel City: TEDxPittsburgh.

Our theme this year is Activate: Ideas in Motion. The art of the ripple effect. We’re focusing on speakers and topics that have encountered a challenge and created an idea to overcome it. The goal is for our audience to leave with new points of view and reinforcement of the central idea that everyone can make a difference.

Esteemed speakers will talk on a variety of topics in the fields of technology, entertainment, and design. Punctuated by performances and audience interaction, this event is all about community.

Tweet us at #TEDxPGH

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About TEDx

The annual TED Conference has given rise to multiple, local initiatives aimed at sharing transformative ideas. That’s where TEDx comes in.
TEDx is an independently organized, community based version of the larger TED-experience.  Planned and coordinated by an all volunteer team, TEDx showcases transformative and thought-provoking ideas on the local level.

At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations).
