“Each year, Dreams of Hope launches an original production created and performed by its theatriQ Youth Ensemble, and developed in residence at KST’s Alloy Studios. The Ensemble’s 2016 premiere, Webs weaves threads of storytelling from ancient Greece to Tumblr in order to discover how passive victims can grow into heroic authors of their own mythology. Two queer young people connect online, discuss Greek myths and the echoes of their own lives they find there. Yet neither is content to be defined by stories from the past, and together they struggle to make a narrative that includes their whole selves, as they connect with each other through a post, a story, a selfie, a song.
Webs is made possible in part with generous support from The Heinz Endowments, The MUKTI Fund, The McDonnell and O’Brien Foundation, the Allegheny Regional Asset District, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the Alcoa Foun- dation, BNY Mellon, Alcoa, the Fine Foundation, PNC Charitable Trusts, UPMC and Events by Chaundel.”
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