Let Peace Shine

Published on October 8, 2015 by

Event Details
EECM Community House, Main Entrance A 6pm Arrival & Line-Up
6140 Station Street 7pm Prayers & Candle Lighting
Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Candles provided
Individuals and groups will be guided to line up along the sidewalks, beginning at EECM’s Main Entrance A and weaving through East Liberty. Adults and children of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to participate.

Please sign-up via Facebook or Event Brite:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eastendcooperativeministry
Event Brite: www.eventbrite.com/e/let-peace-shine-a-candlelight-vigil-for-peace-from-your-home-to-the-world-tickets-19623743144

TWEET US #letpeaceshine

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East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) was founded in 1970 as a collective response to changes in the community, born when the leaders of 18 local faith communities recognized that the troubles of the community were too great for any one of them to address alone. Starting with interracial breakfasts for Peabody High School students, EECM’s services have expanded as the needs of the community have dictated.

For many of the individuals it serves, EECM provides the necessities of life: a hot meal, a safe, place to sleep, food for the family. For others, it is a place to regain strength after a hospital stay, a support system to work toward recovery, or one-on-one help to change life for the better.

For young people, EECM is educational programs, drug and alcohol prevention programs, violence prevention programs, Summer Day Camp, and a concerted effort to show our children a better future.
